Sarnath, India 2012-13

Hand painted and glazed panel, based on historic ornamentation from the Dhamek Stupa which marks the spot where the Buddha gave his first sermon.

Hand painted and glazed panel, based on historic ornamentation from the Dhamek Stupa which marks the spot where the Buddha gave his first sermon.
The Sacred Murals Project
In early 2012, Kaveri and TJ Singh had the honour of being asked to design and paint the Prayer Hall at the Sarnath International Ningmya Institute (SINI). Working closely with Tsering Gellek, the director of the Institute and youngest daughter of Rinpoche Tarthang Tulku, they conceived the design, palette and sensiblity of the murals.
Over the next few months, they assembled an international groups of artists, to complete the project in about 6 months. These are some images of the project.

Hand painted landscapes.

Trompe l'oeil garland

Hand painted landscapes.
Beverly Hills
French Villa
Designer: Joanna Poitier

Atrium: Silver patterning with silver leaf bead and barrel moulding.

Atrium walls

Atrium: Silver patterning with silver leaf bead and barrel moulding.
Encino Residences
Designer: James Lumsden